User manual
1.Power switch
2.Set the channel for the receiver
CH1 - Use Wireless channel 1
CH2 - Use Wireless channel 2
CH3 - Use Wireless channel 3
*Please do not flip the switch vigorously! A damaged switch will prevent the channel from being set up properly and the keyboard will not work properly!
3.Set the channel for the keyboard
*Some users have reported that the old version of the switch channel combination key is prone to accidental touch, and now it is updated as follows.
current version
Long press A + B + C + 1 - Use Wireless channel 1
Long press A + B + C + 2 - Use Wireless channel 2
Long press A + B + C + 3 - Use Wireless channel 3
*Press and hold for 1 second
*Both left and right keyboards need to be set
*Fixed position key combinations, independent of key codes
Old Version(Before July 22, 2022)
Long press A + B + 1 - Use Wireless channel 1
Long press A + B + 2 - Use Wireless channel 2
Long press A + B + 3 - Use Wireless channel 3
*Press and hold for 1 second
*Both left and right keyboards need to be set
*Fixed position key combinations, independent of key codes
4.Charging indicator
There are LEDs near the TYPEC connector. A red light indicates charging. A green light indicates a full charge.
*The keyboard currently does not have a power display function.
*Connecting the power cord should show a green light if the battery is not connected.
Last updated